Huwebes, Setyembre 22, 2011

Activity # 3. Mr. Ken Smith a Senior MIS Manager

                For me the time MIS department was formed. Again that was really a system to put on computer what we did on paper. So it was replacng the classic card based warehouse stock system. We didn’t really start programming ourselves until 1985. We made improvements by adding modules to purchasing disctribution which are all in-house produced but the major advance in the adoption of IT to support the business objectives overall were the curent project that was lauched in May 1987.
                I think that has some bearing beacause there are only 3 chemical plants in Company Y, the others are pharamaceutical plants, and there is a big difference in the logistical operations of those places. Pharamaceutical are much easier in terms of systems, it’s more like engineering you have a bit of material and you know you’ve always got the right parts for the right component.
                We have IBM manfraimes, IBM minis, IBM terminals, we have discount agreements with IBM. Soi anything to do with IBM is safe not very visionary but safe.
                We know the programs that we’ve had to alter some to make them work in our environment so when we get release update we can go back and modify them and write them again. I think with all packaged software they have a life-cycle and you will in time modify more and more and there will come a point in time when maintenance of that software is not viable and you will cut it off. Some companies do that. Mind that it needs fairly competent department to do that. And we could do that! Since we’ve got 9 people, including me, 4 in development, 3 in operations and I, who is in support.
                We had to replace some programs that did’t work at all, we had to replace programs that were just so inefficient that they just locked the processor stone dead. So we did have to use our technical skills. I’m lucky, I’ve got a very skilled department and very stable department. There’s no staff turnover here, no one’s ever left here. No-one’s every left yet.
                We took a package and presumed the package would do the job. So we hav a very, very broad outline requirement but we didn’t do it in the correct amount of detail. It wasn’t done by MIS at all it was done by user and they didn’t do any systems analysis.

Activity # 2. CASE STUDY

"Information System Development Plan"

The Information Systems Development Plan always serves as the outlined plan to reach organizational plans and everyone as part of the same system must plan everything first to have worthwhile outcomes. The organizational goals to be reached lies ahead after setting everything in the list and securing it to happen the way it was supposed to be. The time to think purposely and to plan it rightly must have big portion of attention for planning includes all the activities required to select a systems analysis team, assign members of the team to appropriate projects, estimate the time required to complete each task, and schedule the project so that tasks are completed in a timely fashion like the way the Company Y had handled the situation. It all started with the grappling problems that they had encountered and in order to overcome the problem they think for possible solution, SAPI in return. They had gone planning and case study in which they had assigned different people in each different departments with different assignment dealing with a great feeling of enhancing, building and encouraging team work. They equipped their selves with trainings from the idea that there is that need of much training to bring fundamental changes in some areas. It is important to be in right track. The steps, purposes and limitations hold one great factor of making success and with the ISDS as a key factor in developing and implementing project operations. Everything turns out to be a success. As quoted by Disraeli, “The secret of success is constancy to purpose”.

1. Purpose: 

SAPI system in Company Y has always had a “progressive” view on the use of this Information Technology. The establishment desires to develop a company- wide system that would essentially and drastically change not only the warehouse department’s classic card based warehouse stock system but the whole Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control Systems. A system that would address the financial planning and operational planning in units, improving not only the transaction process of the department but also the way they would respond to these processes to bring the costs down, allowing them to be more competent in the field.


The system is to be used by the accounts department to continually automate repetitive manual processes such as Payroll, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Financial Modeling and Standard Costing. It is also to benefit the Warehouse department, changing the usual card stock system, and the whole company even to have common database, thus determining same and accurate inventory counts. Also enabling them to gain more benefits with the following system functions (how it should and can operate).


To plan the resources more effectively, even maximize the utilization of the human resources.To support the business in making chemicals for their customers at high quality and low cost. To have accurate inventory records. To do a lot of team building and encourage teamwork. To be a solution to their problems.To have better quality and quantity control, ensuring materials are available for production and that the company would only manufacture those which are needed.

2. Relationship of IS and the organization.

Information System is an organizational improvement process which are built and rebuilt organizational benefits. It has something to do with the new improvements of the system. Nowadays, an organization needs a powerful system in able to have a better production. Computers are very essential today as what I have observed, because it makes our works faster and easier. The relation of IS and the organization is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. In an organization it needs people (employee), equipment, procedure and data.
Information is the vital of any organization.The organization it involves IS manager, system analyst, programmer, business manager and technician.Those people have an assigned responsibility in the organization.Information systems which people operate that could help the organization to better manage and assure the security of their data. Information systems also improve the task of individuals particularly the employees in the organization.
An information system is also a system but differs from other kinds of systems because its objective is to monitor and document the operations of other systems. Information system functions maybe at work place and processes data as well.

3. Describe the impact of the IS.

4. Negative impact of the IS in the Organization.

•When the company don’t have the illiterate person who can handle the Information System.
So it needs to have an IT expert who will be handling the input and output of the system in a certain company. Because nowadays companies are into system storage of their processing unlike for the past few years that they use manual manipulation of the companies processed. So now, luckily we’ve been in a long run that technology develops or revolotunize which in turn help every individual make an easy and precise work using a system.
•Sometimes Information System in a company has its negative impact in terms of the company’s line of production.
Because not all companies require Information System that would manipulate their processing but it’s a big help in a company to have Information System because when communicating and evaluating ever y company it needs to have any presentation related to their works though some of them don’t like but they have to because it require in every organization to have this kind of system.
•In general as we all know in every recommendation in a company sometimes lead them into side effects or shall I say it will make them unsuccessful.
“IF” they don’t mind the person who will manage this and only the person who will be entitled to this is has the skill to a computer which is an IT. Though, in gaining this system it needs to educate all the clients. Because some of the works will not be only on computer literate but also to those who work in the organization. Problems also encountered when clients don’t know how to operate the system so it is important to introduce the new system or any changes in this for them or for the organization to avoid problems and crushes in the system.

5. Reflection on the ethical issues relating to the give planning and implementation.